Kindergarten, sixth and ninth grades



In compliance with the School Code of Illinois, a student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) shall present proof that the student was examined by a licensed physician, advanced practice nurse collaborating with a physician or physician’s assistant: (1) within one year before entering kindergarten or the first grade; (2) upon entering the sixth and ninth grades; and (3) whenever a student first enrolls in a district, regardless of the student’s grade (unless a copy of an Illinois school physical is presented, required grade appropriate, from previous Illinois school attended).  A student coming to the District from another state must have a new physical completed (the only exception being the review and approval by the District’s school nurse of the presented out-of state physical that meets the Illinois requirements for a school physical examination).  The Illinois school physical examination from must be completed in its entirety (including the diabetes screening).


Items which must be completed on physical form


The physical examination form (also called the Certificate of Child Health Examination form) was changed because of changes in the Illinois Child Health Examination Code.


By law, health examination for all public, private/independent and parochial school students in Illinois must include:


Physical examination which needs to include an evaluation of: height, weight, blood pressure, BMI, skin, eyes, ears, nose, throat, mouth/dental, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, genitor-urinary, neurological, musculoskeletal, spinal examination, nutritional status, lead screening and other evaluations thought necessary by the doctor.  The state strongly recommends that evaluations include hemoglobin or hematocrit, urinalysis, and sickle cell.  The doctor should list any medications the child takes routinely, diet restrictions/needs, special equipment needed, or other needs and known allergies.


The medical history section must be completely filled out and signed by the parent or legal guardian of the student.


A diabetes screening must be done, and the doctor or health care provider must write the results of the diabetes risk assessment on the physical form.


Lead screening must be done at the health examination for children age six years or younger before they can attend preschool, nursery school, kindergarten or other child care program.  If the health care provider does not do a lead screening, the Hamilton County Health Department can do it.  Your child will have to take a blood test if you answer “Yes” or “Don’t Know” for any single question on the screening or if he/she has lived in a high risk ZIP code.


Current physicals are also required for students’ trying out for sports/cheerleading activities, (within the last 12 months of the participating sporting event).  Documentation must state that the student is able to participate in the activity.  The required 6th and 9th grade school physical examination will also work as the sports physical for that year (if it is within 12 months of the start of try-out practice).


Physical Form